Shift Times
4 on 4 off Rotation
0600 - 1800 and 1800 - 0600
Pay Details
The hourly rate is £10.75 an hour. Total of 52.5 hours a week at £10.75 gives a weekly pay of £564.37. Pay is Monthly.
Your pay will never be wrong with Britsafe. You can check your pay, including holidays, virtually live, online. Any discrepancies can be reviewed before payday, so you can be assured your pay is 100% correct, 100% of the time. Pay is Monthly, paid on the second Tuesday of each Month.
The Role
Gatehouse Based. The role is to provide a stop and search facility for staff and visitors leaving the site.
Please note this is an active role and requires standing for long periods of time.
About Britsafe
Join an efficient and highly competent team that has 30 years’ experience in delivering the highest levels of service to both our clients and our employees. Based in York with a 24-hour Control Room, there is always someone available to help you.
Minimum Requirements
This is a licensed role, so applicants must have a valid SIA licence. Applicants without such a licence will be automatically rejected.