We support adults with learning disabilities and complex needs. A day in the life…
Roles within the Adult Support Team
Lead Officer Senior Support Workers Specialist Support Workers We work closely with
Family Carers Team Learning Disability Team Specialist Support Worker
Day in the life….videos Explore the range of ‘Day in the Life’ videos to get an inside look at what a typical day is like for staff working in different teams within Adult Services at North Lincolnshire Council. A typical day in the life of the whole team
Escort people into the service and return them home Administer medication Support with exercise and muscle memory Develop independent living skills i.e. making a snack or drink Carrying out reviews A typical day of an entry role job within our team
Manage the rota Audit medication Liaise with other teams What qualities does your team look for in someone wanting to pursue a career in this area?
A calm persona Likes to be around other people Thinks outside the box What advice would you give someone just getting started?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions – who/what/where/why/how? Gain experience to become a well-rounded Care Worker The team can support with
Work experience – colleges