Prevent most people who are threatened with homelessness from becoming homeless at all Support people who are defined as homeless and assist them in securing a new place to live as soon as possible We work with
Public Health North Lincolnshire Council Access Team The Blue Door We Are With You MIND RDaSH Mental Health SWT The Forge Project Community Hubs Roles within Housing Advice Team
Housing Advice Team Delivery of a professional Housing Options and Homeless service providing advice, support and guidance to ensure that all clients receive timely interventions and assessments to support them into permanent and settled affordable accommodation. Ensuring the council fulfills its statutory homelessness duties. Helping develop, implement, and monitor the delivery of early interventions and preventative strategies for homelessness. Providing the necessary advice and assistance appropriate to each person using a person centred and strength-based approach. Temporary Accommodation/ Housing Management These are specialist roles that are at the forefront of the prevention of homelessness, and at the cutting edge of homeless/ housing support services following the introduction of the Homelessness Act 2017. The post holders are required to work towards delivery of a high standard of client service that is responsive to client needs, meets the service areas standards and proactively keeps clients and stakeholders informed of cases placed within temporary accommodation. The role will be responsible for the delivering of an intensive Housing Management service according to service standards and in a person-centred way to our clients placed within temporary accommodation, ensuring that the environment is maintained, and outcomes achieved in relation to move-on into more permanent accommodation. Street Outreach Work proactively to secure and maintain individuals in safe accommodation, living independently in their own quality homes using a person-centred, strengths-based approach. Maintain rough sleeper’s health, wellbeing and safety as far as is reasonably possible through meaningful engagement to access appropriate services and thereby improve their life chances and enable them to access appropriate accommodation. Other specialist roles Plan, provide and evaluate a range of person-centred interventions to individuals and their support network enabling individuals needs to be met and aspirations achieved. Offer early intervention and ongoing support to prevent individuals with multiple and complex needs from returning to rough sleeping following discharge from hospital. Liaise with relevant statutory, voluntary organisations and private landlords and support individuals with ongoing mental health and complex needs to access and maintain suitable housing. Deliver a tenacious approach to build trust and rapport and maximise positive outcomes for some of the most persistent, hard-to-engage individuals with mental health needs and rough sleepers in North Lincolnshire to move away from (and avoid a return to) street homelessness. A day in the life…
Mental Health and Housing and Housing Advice Workers Day in the life….videos
Explore the range of ‘Day in the Life’ videos to get an inside look at what a typical day is like for staff working in different teams within Adult Services at North Lincolnshire Council. Describe a typical day in the life of the whole team
Phone calls, visits, community support, travelling Urgent case, crisis intervention, prevention work MDT, multi-disciplinary case planning Providing specialist knowledge to other professionals Liaising with the public, business owners, landlords What qualities does your team look for in someone wanting to pursue a career in this area?
Resilient and tenacious Flexible What advice would you give someone just getting started?
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes Be open-minded and non-judgemental Always maintain a good work life balance The team can support with
Work experience – schools, colleges Placements – universities T Levels – longer term work placements