here . This post will be a joint appointment between the Law School and the Department of Economics at Durham University. Applicants must demonstrate high-quality research in the field of economics of environmental sustainability, appreciation of the legal and governance aspects surrounding the sustainability discourse, and ability to teach our students to an exceptional standard and to fully engage in the services, citizenship, and values of the University. Ability and willingness to engage at the intersection of Law and Economics areas is also highly valued. Contact Information
Laura Marsiliani, Professor of Economics, Petra Minnerop, Professor of International Law, Contact information for technical difficulties when submitting your application. If you encounter technical difficulties when using the online application form, we prefer you send enquiries by email. Please send your name along with a brief description of the problem you're experiencing to us. Alternatively, you may call 0191 334 6801 from the UK, or +44 191 334 6801 from outside the UK. This number operates during the hours of 09.00 and 17.00 Monday to Friday, UK time. We will normally respond within one working day (Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays). University contact for general queries about the recruitment process
How to Apply
We prefer to receive applications online. Please note that in submitting your application, we will be processing your data. We would ask you to consider the relevant University Privacy Statement which provides information on the collation, storing, and use of data. What to Submit
All applicants are asked to submit: A CV A covering letter which details your experience, strengths, and potential in the requirements set out above. Personal research plan-2 pages max, covering next 5 years. Two of your most significant pieces of written work. Where possible your written work should have been published or submitted since 2021; however, work prior to 2021 may be submitted where candidates have had career breaks. An EDI & values statement - (of no more than 500 words) which outlines work which you have been involved in which demonstrates your commitment to EDI and our values. I.e. Involvement in equality, diversity, and inclusion activities such as mentoring, volunteering, or attending conferences.