Our three core values, and the behaviours that support them, guide everything we do and set out what we expect of our staff in the way they treat patients, visitors, service users and each other.
This post is part of a team of 19 Consultants. This post has come about due to the retirement of a colleague who leads on management of Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis and PCD with tertiary support from Oxford. There will be approximately 2 OP clinics per week, in addition to covering the Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU/SDEC) and Neonatal Unit as rostered. When attending for Neonates, the post holder will be responsible for the babies on the Neonatal unit, Delivery suite, postnatal ward and transitional care. While on a PAU shift you may need to conduct Child Protection Medicals as needed.
You will be working with a dynamic group of consultants who support each other; flexibility will be key and makes this role suitable for an individual who is on the specialty register but may not have Consultant level experience.
On call for out of hours Consultant cover will be approximately 1 in 12, covering both Paediatrics and Neonates; when on call the consultants are expected to attend night handover. All patients are reviewed by a consultant within 14 hours of a decision to admit.
Ward 24 paediatric unit has 27 cots or beds, with the ability to accept infants, children and teenagers, with an additional 8 spaces in the Paediatric Assessment Unit. As well as direct admissions from ED, the ward also facilitates elective activity, and the PAU takes direct GP admissions. We also take day cases, offer ambulatory care and open access for some patient groups. Separate areas are designated for children with isolation needs, children having surgery and those suffering from infectious diseases.
Local Neonatal Units (LNU) has 17 cots for babies born at 27 weeks gestation and above and care for babies with a range of care needs and conditions. We also work with the neonatal transport teams to transfer babies to other hospitals who need care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU). NICUs will care for babies who are born extremely prematurely or require additional specialist care or surgery.
We are committed to providing excellent educational opportunities and deliver virtual learning, weekly afternoon education sessions, weekly X Ray meetings, monthly educational half days, monthly Morbidity and Mortality meetings, monthly Safeguarding meetings and monthly Perinatal meetings.
If you have a passion for clinical excellence, patient care and your own career development, you’ll feel at home at Frimley Health.
Substantive Consultant
Paediatric department
Frimley Park Hospital, part of Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust (FHFT) plus other FHFT sites as required
Chief of Service for Paediatrics, Medical Director, Executive Team
INTERNAL: Medical Director, Executive Team, Clinical Director, General Manager, MoD
INTERNAL: Chief of Service, Clinical leads, other Consultants, all grades of Doctors, Specialist Nurses, Allied Healthcare professionals, Multidisciplinary Team, Post Graduate Education Centre
EXTERNAL: Royal College of Paediatrics, KSS Deanery, Local CCGs, GPs, Social Services, Integrated Care Board (ICB)
The Paediatric department is part of Frimley Health Women’s and Children’s Directorate.
General Information
You are required to maintain registration with the General Medical Council. Applicants should include evidence of their inclusion in the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council for Paediatrics or official confirmation of the date of award of CCST which should not be more than 6 months from the date of their interview. All Consultants are expected to comply with the Trust’s Clinical Governance arrangements including participation in clinical audit and annual appraisal.
Further information and visiting: Further details may be obtained from: Dr Rekha Sanghavi, Chief of Service Tel:
0300 615 4605
Dr Johanna Aspel, Deputy Chief of Service, WPH, Tel:
0300 615 6226
The Medical Director is Dr Tim Ho, and the Chief Executive is Lance McCarthy