The Consultant will be the responsible specialist for patients. This post holder will have regular supervision from the Consultant.
There will be a contribution to be made in terms of leadership and support of the development of the service.
Moorside Ward has 18 beds, with full refurbishment work completed in October 2021.
The post holder is expected to help the consultant in leading care planning in a multidisciplinary setting (which includes a pharmacist) and arranging assessment and evidence-based treatment on Moorside Ward at Birch Hill Hospital.
Key responsibilities include: Multidisciplinary working and provision of support and supervision to junior medical and ward staff. Working closely with colleagues from various teams including community mental health teams, Early Intervention Psychosis team, and Home Treatment team to provide comprehensive care to inpatients. Sharing knowledge and skills to promote recovery and facilitate safe discharge to the community. Maintaining good reciprocal relationships with Acute Hospital staff, Commissioners, GPs, Social Services, and the Voluntary Sector to promote quality of care and Mental Health Act implementation.
Birch Hill Hospital has dedicated Mental Health Act Office staff with administrative support. The Trust has a Mental Health Act Lead and an active Mental Health Act Forum which ensures clinical governance.
Rochdale hosts a thriving training and research environment. The total complement of Consultants in Rochdale is now 15 WTE (7 Working-Age; 4 Old Age (two full time and 2 part time); 2 CAMHS; 1 Learning Disability; 1 Early Intervention).
The current model in Working Age is based on an inpatient/outpatient model. There are 3 Community Consultants (3 sectors), each covering outpatients only, and 2 Inpatient Consultants with full-time consultant cover for the EIT and full-time consultant covering the HTT/Access team.
Please see the attached job description and person specification to support your application for this post. Please refer to the essential criteria in the person specification which will highlight the skills, knowledge, and experience you will need to demonstrate in your application, by way of example, to give yourself the best opportunity to be shortlisted.